About Us

Fitznells has been a part of Ewell Village since 1960, initially set up by Vivienne Price and Anthony Carter at Fitznells Manor. In 1988, Fitznells was moved to Ewell Castle School by Sheila Colchester, Musical Director 1988-2011. In 2001 Drama was added to the list of classes on offer. In 2011, Sophie-Lee Colchester took up the position of Musical Director, following in her mother’s footsteps and continuing the family-friendly atmosphere of Fitznells.

Music has always been a very big part of my life, and Fitznells has been a second home for me since I was born – I was playing tambourine before I could talk! I took part in the young percussion classes, worked my way through to taking grades in piano, percussion and singing, progressed to accompanying and now I conduct ensembles and run the school. Fitznells has been a constant in my life and I think it is important that we offer an opportunity for everyone to experience music and the joy you can get from it.
Whether you are coming to music for the first time, looking for an activity to do with your child or want to pick up where you left off, Fitznells has something for you.
Sophie-Lee Colchester
Fitznells Musical Director (2011-present)